Early engagement with change management professionals is preferable - both for you and for us - but how often does this happen in practice? Indeed, it's not always obvious nor practicable until implementation time-frames are slipping, costs are escalating and deliverables are changing and, all-too-often, increasing.
Again we know this - we've been there! We fully-recognise the manifest pressures on you and your organisation - time, resource, cost - and the reluctance to adopt more formal portfolio, programme and project management techniques until it's absolutely clear they're required.
This is how BW&C's consultants became acknowledged experts and a metaphorical 'safe pair of hands'. On innumerable occasions we've been parachuted in to identify project-related issues, resolve delivery problems and implement the necessary governance and reporting rigour to bring wayward projects back in line.
It is also easy to lose sight of one's initial objective, with resource being drained by tasks or subtasks - items only tangentially related to the original goal. To put it another way:
"When you're up to your neck in alligators,
it's hard to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp!"
One critical objective we can assist you with is helping to prioritise and navigate CSFs to ensure you stay focused on your primary objective, such that your strategic goals are attained and your portfolio's declared RoI is achieved.
Of course simply dropping us an eMail will suffice - you can be certain you'll receive a personalised response: we're not some vast consultancy and you won't simply be just another client.
However, you have probably recognised by now that we'd much rather speak with you more directly - openly, even - as it allows us both the opportunity to explain why we're different, what our ultimate goals and expectations are, and for all of us to better understand each other's companies, their culture and employees.
So, there's a simple form to complete here which will give us the absolute bare minimum of information necessary in order for us to call you back (within 1 business day) for an informal chat about what we can do together...
...we genuinely look forward to hearing from you.
"Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have,
and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up."
— James Belasco and Ralph Stayer